Normas y criterios de publicación
*The author must contact REPAEC, to manage the evaluation request template, fill it out and attach to his contribution the unique format that integrates the following information:
*Application for evaluation of the contribution. The declaration of individual or collective authorship (in the case of works carried out by more than one author); each author or co-author must certify that they have directly contributed to the intellectual elaboration of the work and that they approve it to be evaluated by peers under the double-blind system and, where appropriate, published. The original paper submitted is unpublished and is not in the process of being assessed by any other publication. Details: name, academic degree, institution where you work (affiliation), address, telephone, e-mail.
¨*Summary curriculum vitae of the author, review format: Curriculum Vitae/CV.
*The work and the documents requested above will be sent to the e-mail address:
General configuration of the article
Any type of accepted papers must comply with the following formal aspects established by the journal:
*Maximum number of authors: 3
*Title less than 15 words. The title must have three languages (Spanish, English and Portuguese), only the title in Spanish in bold. Do not use capital letters in any of the titles. Aligned to the left.
*Save the text in Microsoft Word, with .docx extension.
*Letter size paper
*Text in a single column.
*Justified alignment
*Font for text: 11-point Arial
*Line spacing: 1.5; spacing between paragraphs: 6 leading and trailing
*No indentation of paragraphs.
*Top: 3.25 cm
*Bottom: 2.5 cm
*Right: 2.5 cm
*Left: 2.5 cm
- The authors of the article must include: institutional affiliation, city or province, country and also have a current and updated ORCID code.
- The abstract and keywords must appear in Spanish, English and Portuguese.
- Bibliographic references will be edited according to APA 7 standards.
1. All contributions must include an abstract in Spanish and its respective translation into English and Portuguese, of no more than 150 words maximum and in a single paragraph.
2. Include key words of the document, with the respective translation into English, called Key words, and into Portuguese Palavras-chave (it is recommended to use the UNESCO thesaurus).
3. A maximum of three to four key words should be indicated, which should not contain conjunctions or articles.
Abstract: No titles, citations, dates or references. It should be an analytical summary: it should include information on the purpose, methodology, results and conclusions. Its length is 150 words. The summary is an explanatory synthesis of the content of the contribution, so paragraphs or parts of the document should not be copied to prepare it. It is written in the present past tense.
It must clearly indicate what type of contribution it is: General article, Original research, Systematic review, Essay, Advance research.
Example of how to write an abstract
An abstract for an article consists of the following elements: Introduction: why has the article been carried out? The problem is stated, the background to the problem or topic addressed and the main objective are briefly explained. Methodology: This answers the question: How were the data supporting the article obtained? It is important to explain whether it is a qualitative, quantitative or mixed approach, including the approach and type of research, the population and sample, social actors, subjects or informants, the variables, the data collection techniques used and the scope. Results: Answers the question What was found? It should include the main results, both positive and negative, and there should be coherence between the results and the main objective of the study. If the results are quantitative, present percentages and their statistical significance. Conclusions: Answers the questions What do the results mean and What implications and applications can these results have? Briefly state the strengths and weaknesses of the study, as well as possible solutions or applications. It should be consistent with the results presented above.
Example of how to write a summary of Systematic Reviews
Introduction: (written in the present past tense) why has the article been carried out? The problem is stated, the background (behaviour of the problem) on the problem or topic addressed and the main objective of the article are briefly explained. Methodology: This answers the question: How was relevant information obtained to support the article? For this, it is important to indicate the type and design of the research, sample (documents reviewed - thesis, degree work, scientific articles, general articles... - and the site where they were found - web or physical), indicate the search protocol or method (the QUORUM guide (Quality of Reporting of Meta-analysis), the prism method or search by keywords, combined words, Boolean operators) and analysis criteria. Results: (written in the past tense) Answers the question What was found? What are the findings? to include the main results, both positive and negative, and with coherence between the results and the main objective of the study. Conclusions: (written in the past tense) Answers the questions What do the results mean? and What are the implications and applications of these results? It briefly states the strengths and weaknesses of the study. Here again, consistency is important between the results presented above.